do.t.e. Off The Grid 2019

Sale price$80.00
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Tuscany // Italy

Syrah from two different parcels of old vineyards harvested on 09/09/2019 and 14/09/2019, spontaneous fermentation in whole bunches in terracotta, 35 days of maceration on the skins, decanted and aged in four old barrels (225l each) and a cement egg (700l) until bottling, without clarification or filtration, the 26/03/2021. No additives added.

The grapes come from the vineyard planted in the 90s by the famous Federico Staderini. The chosen land is surrounded by trees and overlooks the valley, sheltered from the entrance of pests, where you can breathe clean air. The slopes here have imposed a terracing and the workings are all manual. The effort required is great, but the plants know how to repay with an amazing fruit. The reds are part of about 2 ha planted in 2002 with a high plant density, 6,700 plants per hectare.

Do.t.e. is the personal project of Filippo Calabresi that expresses through wine a spontaneity, a story outside of protocols and disciplinary. The commitments of the project are aimed at healthiness, ethics, everyday life. Wine as a medium
to reflect places, activate sensitivity and warm up relationships. Following the lines of the project, the wines are the result of healthy, genuine grapes, grown without the use of chemical shortcuts, as well as in the cellar. Each bottle is a discovery, a journey in itself, proud of any differences and with a unique character. Parallel paths towards a common direction.